Women's Journeying Circles: Exploring the Spirit World Together
A journeying circle is more than a practice; it is a community, a sisterhood, and a powerful reconnection to ancient wisdom.
Women & Shamanic Practices: Reclaiming Ancient Wisdom
Looking at history through a different lens allows us to see the true value of women’s contributions to spirituality, healing, and community leadership.
Unlocking Your Career Path with Akashic Record Readings
Are you truly happy in your career?
Manifest Your Dream Job: How Stones Can Transform Your Career
When it comes to your career, the right stones can help you attract abundance, clarity, and new opportunities.
Soul Families and Reincarnation: The Truth About Soulmate Connections
Before diving into the search for a soulmate, the more profound question we should ask ourselves is about our soul contract.
Tarot Cards: A Gateway to Love and Connection
Love often finds you when you least expect it—but only if you’re open to the possibilities around you.
Using the Akashic Records to Heal Generational Trauma
Healing generational trauma is a transformative journey that is gaining momentum in the field of recovery.
3 Shamanic Techniques for Healing Trauma and PTSD
Have you experienced trauma? Learn 3 techniques Shamans use to heal trauma & PTSD.
Finding Your Own Spirituality Without Religion
There has been a shift from organized religion to spirituality over the past several years. This is commonly referred to as the SBNR Movement (Spiritual But Not Religious).
Spirit Guides: How Ancestors, Friends, and Pets Watch Over You
Do you know your spirit guides?
Ask and Receive: Using Crystals & Gemstones to Get Life’s Answers
Years ago, I learned the ancient art of stone reading from a venerable Shamanic teacher.
Writing A Magical Realism Non-Fiction Book
Magical realism presents a realistic worldview while incorporating magical elements or settings.
Journey with the Moon
The new moon is an excellent time for manifestation, as many people who want to journey are looking for answers to questions or desire to create change in their lives.
Shield Up!
To properly shield your soul, it must be in your body. (Did you know it leaves to look for information or meet with guides or other spirit entities? Typically, it journeys when you are asleep.)
Soothing Your Nerves
The body you selected for this life comes with its own unique challenges that are part of your soul’s journey.
It Is Written in Your Cards
Insight doesn’t just come from the card. It's the spread that gives the divination.
Growing into the Light
In between incarnations, we spend time in the spirit world evaluating our previous lives and discussing what we still need to learn.
The Meaning of Shaman
A shaman is a healer of the soul. Whether we are struggling with karma from a past life or have experienced a trauma so deep that our soul is damaged in this one, a shaman understands how to bring about the necessary healing.
Reincarnation is Essential to Spirituality
We reincarnate to continue our soul's growth until we reach full actualization.