Women's Journeying Circles: Exploring the Spirit World Together
One of my greatest joys is creating a journeying circle. Over the years, I have led both small and large groups—some exclusively for women, others for men, and many mixed. However, there is something uniquely powerful about a women’s journeying group. These circles offer a sacred space where we can explore spiritual realms while also discussing topics that are deeply personal and unique to women’s experiences.
What is Shamanic Journeying?
Shamanic journeying is an ancient practice of entering a trance state to receive messages from spirit guides in the upper and lower worlds. I was first taught this practice by a skilled shaman, who showed me how to lead others into this altered state. Steady drumming serves as the gateway, allowing the mind to shift and navigate different realms.
In a journeying circle, a designated leader guides the group through these spiritual explorations. One of the main goals of the circle is for each participant to eventually develop the confidence and skills to lead a journey themselves.
Meeting Your Spirit Animal
Typically, the first journey I lead is to the lower world, where participants meet their spirit animals. These powerful guides offer protection, wisdom, and healing throughout one’s life. I personally have two spirit animals, and their presence has been invaluable—much like a therapy animal, offering comfort and insight. Interestingly, I’ve noticed that my pets seem to be aware of my spirit animals as well.
To deepen their connection, I encourage circle members to keep a notebook. Once the spirit world is opened to you, messages will continue to arrive in dreams, synchronicities, and meditative states. Keeping a record allows you to track patterns and guidance over time. Additionally, I teach shielding techniques at our first meeting, as protection and energetic boundaries are essential when engaging with the spiritual realm.
Exploring the Upper World
Once the group is ready, we journey to the upper world—a space inhabited by ancestors, teachers, and angels. This is a deeply moving experience, often beginning with an encounter with an ancestor. Such meetings can be emotional, unlocking a doorway that allows for ongoing communication with loved ones who have passed.
Meeting an angel can be equally profound. I often recommend the book A Little Bit of Angels by Elaine Clayton, which explains different types of angels and their roles. After connecting with an ancestor, the next step is to meet a guardian angel—a personal protector and guide. Some may also encounter archangels. I was blessed with such an experience after a devastating car accident. At first, I was terrified, as my strict Christian upbringing had instilled a black-and-white view of the spirit world—either good or evil. I initially feared I was facing the Angel of Death. However, through further journeying and walking the Medicine Wheel, I came to understand that my guide was Archangel Uriel. His presence and messages have been an incredible source of strength and wisdom, though I choose to keep them private.
The Path of a Journeying Circle
Every journeying circle evolves differently, shaped by the needs and readiness of its members. The goal is to grow together in spiritual knowledge and experience, but sometimes individuals struggle. As a leader, it’s important to recognize when someone needs extra support or when it might be best for them to work individually before continuing with group journeys. Not everyone is ready for this path, and that’s okay—it is a deeply personal process that unfolds in its own time.
Finding a Journeying Circle
If you are interested in joining a journeying circle, I recommend researching local shamanic practitioners or visiting metaphysical stores, as they often have connections to spiritual groups. For those in the Tucson area, I am in the process of forming a new circle. If you feel called to explore this path, please reach out via the contact page—I would love to welcome you into this sacred space.
A journeying circle is more than a practice; it is a community, a sisterhood, and a powerful reconnection to ancient wisdom. Whether you are new to shamanism or deepening your practice, these circles provide a profound opportunity to explore the unseen and embrace the guidance that has always been waiting for you.