Using the Akashic Records to Heal Generational Trauma

Healing generational trauma is a transformative journey that is gaining momentum in the field of recovery. This term, which refers to trauma that spans across multiple generations in a family, is a beacon of hope for those who have been affected. The effects of such trauma often manifest later in life in a variety of physical and mental illnesses. However, the power to heal and break this cycle is within reach.

Healing with Akashic Records

One of the more exciting uses of the Akashic Records is applying it to healing the ancestral lineage. The Akashic Record contains all crucial actions that occur during every lifetime. Returning to the upper realm after death, you review your record from the most recent life. The process is part of the soul’s training. Thus, the Records of a soul are accessible to anyone who wants to investigate their lineage and locate similar behavior, such as child abuse. Healing the past line involves understanding and accepting the actions of our ancestors, and removing negative traits from future generations requires conscious efforts to break the cycle of harmful behavior. 

Following the search through the records, the reader can also contact a specific ancestor and ask him to explain his behavior in life. I did this with my father as we could not solve our issues during his lifetime. This allowed me to address a significant problem in my life and finally begin healing this burden to my soul. I continue working to remove this negative trait from our line and work on healing different members in my lineage affected by it. 

The Akashic Record is a treasure trove of wisdom that can be tapped into for guidance and understanding. You can pose any question to the Record Keepers and receive profound, truthful answers. In my years of spiritual work, I have found the insights from the Akashic Record to be the deepest and most enlightening, empowering me to navigate life's challenges with clarity and purpose.

Healing Through Lineage

We must remember that every person has two family trees. The first is your soul family, which has developed over many lifetimes and is usually composed by our assigned teacher. The teacher groups souls according to the lessons to still be learned. Members of your soul family often serve specific roles to help you fulfill your life contract. Your soul family is highly invested in helping you achieve the goals in your life contract.

The second tree is genealogical. Many people enjoy researching their family tree. It’s a great way to discover generational wisdom. Typically, this involves an ancestry search using a popular program. For instance, by evaluating obituaries, you can gather an understanding of an ancestor’s behavior. When I worked with my mother on her family tree, we focused on my great-grandfather’s entrepreneurial successes. I see that behavior exhibited in my business career and my daughter’s professional ambitions.

Engaging in healing work with your genealogical and soul family is a journey of commitment and transformation. The problem you seek to solve will guide you to the appropriate family tree. Typically, you start with your genealogical family and then progress to your soul family. The insights and healing they offer will be profound, motivating you to continue this vital work.

You must recognize the benefits of researching and fixing your family trees. Spending time learning about your soul and genealogical lineage is always worthwhile. The work you perform not only helps your current and future soul contracts, but you are also performing the work on your genetic tree, which most people in your family prefer to avoid. But fixing generational trauma is critical. You are helping to heal your family's mental and physical needs for generations.


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