Reincarnation is Essential to Spirituality

When it comes to Christianity versus spirituality, the issue of reincarnation is often the dividing factor. When I speak with potential clients about reading their Akashic Records, I don't proceed if they don’t believe in reincarnation.

Reincarnation is essential to spirituality. Why? Because often, the reason for a problem in this life is based on what happened in a previous life. We reincarnate to continue our soul's growth until we reach full actualization. We make a soul contract with our teacher and soul family before birth that encapsulates our goals for the next life. For example, my soul contract for this life included learning forgiveness. A central figure in my life did cruel things to me. To forgive him for these actions was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But it made me happier and lighter because I no longer carried around this dark anger.

Upon our physical death, our soul embarks on a profound journey. It returns to the realm of Spirit for a comprehensive review of the life just lived and the lessons gleaned from this incarnation. Guided by our teachers and soul family, a group distinct from our genealogical family, our soul identifies areas that still require learning. It is then determined whether this knowledge can be acquired through further study or necessitates another incarnation, thus affirming the cyclical nature of our spiritual journey.

If you find yourself trapped in a cycle of repeating the same mistakes or facing the same obstacles, a reading on your past life can be a transformative experience. It often uncovers the lessons you need to learn in this life, paving the way for a more fulfilling and enlightened journey.


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