D is for Death

This may seem a strange topic for a blog on spiritual modalities, particularly as I am striving to show how this study can help you with issues in your current life, but understanding death is crucial. I have experienced the most difficulty in helping my students and clients if they cannot face the subject of death, particularly the reality of reincarnation. We must clearly understand that we live multiple lives before we can work through issues such as soul contracts or karma. And how we die often pertains to the next life we choose.

I have explored many of my past lives, and in my next book, “When the Birds Stop Singing,” I examine this topic by having the main character see her death in a previous life. Like her, I have died on a prairie during a battle. I’ve also been burned to death as a witch and stabbed to death when I was a French spy. Some of my life has been brief due to dying young from an illness. But each life had a purpose. Becoming comfortable with death helps us to prepare for its inevitability and not fight the transition when the time comes to leave this plane for the one above.

I mentioned in last week’s blog the death rite and knowing how to perform this ritual can be comforting when someone you love is going through the transition, particularly if they are fighting the process. What matters is the proper release of the soul. There is great beauty if you are fortunate to see a soul cross the Rainbow Bridge to the loved ones waiting on the other side.

Begin the death rite by calling all elements of the body back. Throughout life, pieces of our energy are given away, and we want the soul to be complete before it begins the ascent. The next phase occurs once the person stops breathing. Begin by disengaging the chakras. Start with the third chakra, or the solar plexus, which I explained in last week’s blog. We start with the third chakra because it is where the soul enters and exits the body. Draw a spiral with your hand above the chakra. Repeat this over each chakra until the spirit has left the body. The last step is to seal the chakras. We do this by making the sign of the cross over each chakra. The Christian tradition uses a similar technique, but this is an ancient ritual created before this religion began. Doing it incorrectly can trap the person’s Luminous Energy Field or soul within the physical body, binding the spirit to a lifeless shell that cannot be released until the body deteriorates.

If the body is to be buried and not burned, I place stones at the four corners. This ensures that the body is never tampered with by dark energy. People are returning to the burning ritual, which is a far better method of retiring the body.

Again, I understand that death may not be the most pleasant topic, but it’s an important ritual and honors those we love.



D is Dreaming


Have You Checked Your Chakras Lately?