Have You Checked Your Chakras Lately?
As your knowledge of different spiritual modalities increases, your understanding of how they work together will grow. For example, understanding chakras is essential for conducting death rites, an important topic in next week’s blog.
The seven main chakras are specialized energy centers that connect us to the multidimensional Universe. You may not realize that your chakras are portals within your body that take in and process energy to transform the body. While this may seem too woo-woo, trust me, chakras are powerful energy centers that can improve your life.
Each chakra connects to a major nerve plexus and glandular center within the body’s endocrine system. Below, I have listed each chakra, a sample of their connecting organs, examples of the mental and emotional issues they affect, and potential physical dysfunctions. I’ve also included its frequency color, which coordinates with the rainbow and its elements.
1st or Root Chakra (red, earth) supports overall physical body, affects safety & security, and impacts chronic lower back pain, depression, and immune-related disorders.
2nd or Sacral Chakra (orange, water) supports kidney, bladder, appendix; affects guilt, money, power; and impacts sciatica, OB/GYN problems, and urinary problems.
3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow, fire) supports abdomen, stomach, kidney; affects trust, fear, self-esteem; and impacts arthritis, colon intestinal problems, and indigestion.
4th or Heart Chakra (green, air) supports heart, circulation, lungs; affects love, hate, grief, anger; and impacts valves, asthma, upper back, shoulder, and breasts.
5th or Throat Chakra (sky, blue) supports, throat, thyroid, neck, mouth; affects judgement, decision-making, strength of will; and impacts gums, joints, laryngitis and sore throat
6th or Third Eye Chakra (indigo) spports brain, nervous system, ears, eyes; affects intelligence, intiuition, clairvoyance; and impacts seizures, learning disabilities.
7th or Crown Chakra (violet) supports muscles and skin, connects to spiritual self, values, ethics; and impacts energy.
We care about chakras because our body is affected when they are out of balance. I learned to detect issues and balance chakras when I walked the Medicine Wheel and trained as a shaman. Someone in your area should know how to help you, and I am always here to answer your questions. If you live in the Tucson area, please contact me to have your chakras evaluated and balanced.
As always, thanks to Madeline Trippe for my beautiful graphic.