You Can Resolve Issues Even After Death

I’m sure that many of you, like me, paused after hearing the announcement of O.J. Simpson’s death. I couldn’t help but think about his children by Nicole Brown. Like so many people, I was consumed by the murders and trial. But I wondered, did O.J. ever tell his children the truth?

My father died without ever coming clean about all the damage he did to me, despite the many requests I made for his honesty. While some claim it’s easier to “move on,” I never could. I wanted acknowledgment and an apology for his actions.

 Do you have the same issue with a member of your family? Fortunately, death does not end the opportunity for closure. After allowing my father time to readjust to his return to the upper world and a chance to review the Akashic Record from his most recent life, I reached out to him. For those unfamiliar with the Akashic Records, they are the recording of a Soul’s every journey, including the present one, from its inception to all possible spiritual developments in the current life. The different paths you might take in life are recorded because when you return to spirit, you spend time in deep concentration reviewing the Records and the choices you made.

 When I spoke with my father, I finally received the answers to my questions and learned of his deep love for me. His biggest regret was taking my joy away. My mother even spoke to me as she regretted her behavior. It took time for me to process this information, but it fundamentally changed my life. I remember my oldest brother asking me why I seemed better and happier, and I explained what happened. He still doesn’t completely understand my woo-woo ways, but he had prayed for me to find peace.

 I’ll finish by writing that death is not the end. It only means a change of body and the plane you live on. Healing can still occur, and trained, ethical people can take you on this beautiful journey.



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