C is for Chi
Since moving to the Tucson area, I have started practicing Tai Chi, and I cannot recommend this enough to improve your breathing and blood flow. It will help your sleep and balance, which is critical for older adults.
Understanding Chi (also spelled Qi) is an important first start. Chi is your life force, the energy that flows through you and everything. Chi gives you life and described as the essence of your true self. It is a bridge between the physical form and pure awareness.
I love the practice of Tai Chi, which is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for self-defense and health. The different movements are slow and intentional. It is a gentle form of exercise that aids mental and physical health.
You will often see Tai Chi practitioners in a park as we believe strongly in rooting with the earth. Naturally, this is a practice that works well with meditation. I try to practice Tai Chi when I first wake up and always face the outdoors to connect with nature.
It’s easy to find practitioners of Tai Chi. Take a class and see how your body feels. You’ll be surprised what an intense workout you get. Your blood will flow, and your body nourished with positive energy.